Saturday, April 28, 2012

There must be a reason...but, I don't know what it is

Our social worker has decided not to approve us for a simultaneous adoption.  She thinks, generally, that simultaneous adoptions are ill-advised.  Frankly, I think she is a bully who has abused her discretion while on an incredibly long power trip.  Releasing that precious boy's file was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.  I do not understand why God chose this path for us.  But, we will continue to praise Him, to seek His guidance and to be thankful for the blessings that are Bobby, Abby, Maisy and Moxie.  Please pray for us in this difficult time.
Praising Him in the Storm,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes I fret about not being able to see waaaaaaaaay far down the path God has set before me. I battle, just about every minute of every day, my Martha instinct to be constantly busy,doing stuff, fixin' stuff, bossin' stuff.... I want to be like Mary, learning at the Lord's feet. Just loving him. Way too often, I do something else."

His plan is always right in all ways.